
Guide criteria donate a car

Choose to support a charity , it's a little like playing God. Ideally, it should reflect your concerns and your deepest beliefs.

Before you can think about how to spend your money there with regard to scoring leader a donation to a charity group. Every organization is with his phone number , measurements of financial performance and the overall grade ( where information is available ) categorized. See also the ratings of other agencies in the same category to a group of people who do similar work to compare .

The Guide indicates whether an organization entitled to receive tax deductible contributions is , having regard to the charities , the separately incorporated entities with different tax deductibility status.

The guide shows which groups are new or an updated review.

The guide shows Watch charity groups provided the following documents (which we requested) : annual report, the full audited financial statements and the Internal Revenue Service Form 990, including the relevant attachments. Donors can consider the responsibility of an organization Charity Watch in decisions .

Missed charities charity or instructions in the text of this web site does not mean that a negative evaluation or rating.

Some groups get large amounts of donated goods and services. These elements can be difficult to assess and calculate the efficiency with which a charity spends your money distorting . The donated items are usually excluded from the calculation of the following ratios Charity Watch:

On the percentage of total CHARITABLE

This is the part of total expenditure is spent on charitable programs. In the opinion of the Charity Watch, is 60 % or more reasonable for most charities. The remaining portion is spent on fundraising and general administration. Note: A percentage of 60 % generally a program able to spend 75 % or more "satisfactory " or "C - section " Rating agencies are the most highly efficient charities on programs ..

If a list of entry numbers is given , the largest number in most cases , reflects his own decision as to how much charity spent on charitable programs expenditures . Mailings and calls from these groups serve a dual purpose: to raise money and awareness to increase donor . 

However, many of these groups see the letters and phone calls to be great educational and costs as part of the program, especially the issues . In some cases, Charity Watch , the largest number . For example, Charity Watch can with the decision of a group that the cost of acquiring new donors or members of a program service is different. The cost of raising funds , namely , direct mail and telemarketing , are often considered as program expenditure. If you agree that the activities of fundraising to serve an educational purpose or program in good faith, you may decide that this high figure reflects your goals .

The number of lower Charity Watch assumed that all direct mail and telemarketing solicitation are costs of collection of special funds and not included in the cost of direct program services . If you do not feel part of a direct mail and telemarketing solicitations charity program in good faith or if you do not want a new member and that prompt finance campaigns , the decline reflects your goals. ( The ratings Charity Watch letters are based on this assumption . ) Please note, however , that work for certain types of non-profit organizations can justify a greater distribution of direct mail and telemarketing costs to program expenditure. Please see " Exception for social groups " below for more details.

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